Promoting Karate with Juwill Productions

18 February 2019

The wait is finally over!

On this day Juwill Productions launched their first episode of "This is...", a mini web-serie, featuring Sensei Nicole Chircop and Liane Chircop as “The Karate Sisters”. 

Here at JKA Malta we wish to thank the production team at Juwill Productions for the opportunity to promote the true art of Traditional Shotokan JKA Karate, for the high level of professionalism throughout the whole journey and the girls for their time and efforts.

Check it out:


"This Is...", the Maltese anthology digital mini-series, explores different experts and displays their disciplines in an intense 45 seconds of dynamic sequences.

Sensei Nicole Chircop and Liane Chircop ensure to inaugurate this web-series in the most notable of ways as they hustle their way through different oriental settings. The question remains though, who ends up being victorious?

Our appreciation goes out to the sisters themselves together with Sensei Dario Chircop from JKA Malta and the Santa Lucija Local Council.

(Note: To view this video in Full HD quality, kindly access this link, , go to settings and select [HD] and watch the feature with sound for the optimum experience)


Well done Girls



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人格 完成に 努める こと
hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto
Exert yourself in the perfection of character