Sharing our Success Story

23 March 2021

Following the recently obtained excellent results achieved by our stellar ladies Sensei Nicole Chircop, Liane Chircop and Shayma EnNajar, JKA Malta has been presented with multiple opportunities to share this success story through television appearances and news articles.

The JKA Malta Committee wishes to thank Ms. Joanna Camilleri, presenter of national television programme Sports Panorama, for inviting our girls to shine a light on JKA Karate in Malta and share their successes during the Funakoshi Gichin Online Festival 2020! It was a very good exposure for JKA Malta and the girls felt very welcome and are grateful to all the production team for the well thought interview.

One can also check out karateka Liane Chircop in her interview on Il-Mixja sar-Rebħa with Sports Journalist Mr. Robert Busuttil about JKA Karate in Malta.

Thank you to, Lovin Malta, The Malta Independent and University of Malta Newspoint for shining a light on our Karate Association and sharing our success story!

The articles can be accessed via the links below:

The JKA Malta Committee wishes to thank all parents and contacts for their efforts and time to help promote JKA Karate in Malta, and increase exposure towards our association.

Highly Appreciated!!




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JKA Malta

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人格 完成に 努める こと
hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto
Exert yourself in the perfection of character